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  • Writer's pictureAmr Dulaimi

Arts Scholarship in Saudi Arabia !

It started with a tweet, Prince Badr sending out some positive vibes with a message on twitter early on Dec 27. education is first & last.

Few days later, the ministry of culture announced for the first time in history the Cultural scholarship Program.

this scholarship program is for undergrads, Masters, and doctorate degree.

This step marks an active big development in Saudi Arabia towards diversifying its talent, enabling the youth to take on the arts as a serious means of living, exporting that art as well as mixing with the whole world, blending, sharing experiences, and becoming part of this global village!

They say every nation has its arts, and its the right time that we invest, strengthen, encourage, and enable future generations to build on this great initiative provided by the country.

As a Saudi citizen, I feel hopeful and happy with this initiative as it allows for my children to have more options that they can explore for their future & careers. Now, they really can follow their passion even if its in the Arts ! 

Finally HRH Princess Reema Al Saud congratulated the Ministry of culture on this historic step For the country !

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