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  • Writer's pictureAmr Dulaimi

A Happy Saudi Father

Forty years ago, in Saudi Arabia, if a man came to propose to a girl he would have to do that through the girls father.

Once that is done and they meet, the father starts asking his friends about the boy. Does he pray? Does he smoke? Are the two main qualyfing questions to get his daughters hands.

Now if a boy smokes and doesnt pray does that mean hes not a good husband? I think this is not a fair statement. Matter of fact its a bit of an accusation.

Fast forward 20 years from now, a boy comes and asks my daughter in hand. My questions would be different. Whats your twitter account?

I will lock myself inside a batcave and google the shit out of him dig up as much dirt as i can find (as i dont believe that anybody is really clean) i will even look for him in wikileaks.

I say thank god for new technology that will allow me as a Saudi father to choose the right candidate for my daughter 20 years from now!

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